
Your help is vital to our
goal of serving hundreds
of meals this Easter.

Colorful flowers with leaves gracefully arranged on either side, creating an ideal slider image for Easter 2025 against a blank background.

Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Stay connected with all the good work the Mission is doing!

Icon: Shelter

I need Help

We are here for you. Select the service you need and we will provide compassionate and effective care to the best of our ability.

Icon: Giving

I Want To Help

Donate, volunteer, spread the word, involve your school or church. Find out all the different ways you can be a part of the solution.

Icon: Clothing donation


Every purchase made from the Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast Super Thrift Store helps improve the lives of those in your community.

Mission Impact

Every day as the sun rises and sets along the coast, the Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast is changing lives for good.

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Nights of Shelter

Last year we provided more than 5,000 nights of safe, warm, and comfortable sleep to the men in our Life Recovery Program.

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Meals Served Last Year

A warm meal nourishes the body, mind, and soul. It can make all the difference in the world to someone who is struggling.

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Articles of Clothing

Over 6,900 articles of clothing were given to people in need through our direct assistance and life recovery programs.

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Boxes of Food

Needy families receive grocery assistance from our three pantry locations.

You can help us change lives for good.

Your donation supports people in need and helps them lead healthy, self-sufficient lives.

Lives Changed For Good.

Krystal vows to “get the most” out of program

She’s beginning to address her trauma Most of Krystal’s adolescence went unsupervised. Her mother spent her days drinking at the casino, leaving Krystal alone for long stretches of time. “My mom didn’t supervise me very much,” Krystal said. “I was lonely. She wasn’t there, at home, so I did whatever I wanted.” Krystal began hanging…

Read More about Krystal vows to “get the most” out of program

After 10 years of addiction, Victor leaves drugs behind

He’s forging a new path At 2 years old, Victor’s parents divorced. His mother raised Victor and his two older brothers by herself, but due to work, often left them with a babysitter. “I didn’t really have a relationship with my mom growing up. It seemed I saw the babysitter more than I did my…

Read More about After 10 years of addiction, Victor leaves drugs behind

Jessica overcomes shame, finds love, acceptance in program

She’s reconnecting with her family “It’s different now – knowing I’m loved, accepted, and appreciated no matter what. I think a lot of us hide behind ourselves, or our addictions, or our shame. It felt shameful, having to admit I was drinking too much. Especially for me, who grew up in the church.” Jessica was…

Read More about Jessica overcomes shame, finds love, acceptance in program