Direct Assistance

Meals and Clothing

Times and Locations:

Cornerstone Church

1026 Sierra Madre Ave., Santa Maria, CA
Tuesdays from 2-4 p.m.

Preisker Park

i. Northeast end, Santa Maria, CA
Wednesdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m

Grocery Assistance

Emergency Food Pantry

Santa Maria Foursquare Church

709 N. Curryer St. (corner of Alvin and Curryer)
Santa Maria, CA

Thursdays 5pm until supplies last

Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast

1207 N McClelland Street
Santa Maria, CA 93456
Mondays and Fridays form 8:30-9am.

Volunteers serve big portions of mashed potatoes and turkey from hot food pans

Clothing Assistance

Times and Locations:

Call 805-354-5217 for assistance


You are most welcome to come and join us for a meal and some conversation at the Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast meal locations. We would love to serve you a hot meal in a safe environment. You are welcome anytime we are serving. Just come to the locations and meal times listed here, get into the line, and you will be served a hot, nutritious meal.

Grocery Outreach

Santa Maria Foursquare Church

709 N. Curryer St. (corner of Alvin and Curryer)
Santa Maria, CA

Thursdays 5pm until supplies last

Basic Clothing Necessities

Clothing is distributed to those in need in conjunction with the meals and at most of the special events. We offer basic necessity clothing including, but not limited to:

  • Pants
  • Shirts
  • Socks
  • Shoes
  • Underwear
  • Coats
  • Blankets

Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast

1207 N McClelland Street
Santa Maria, CA 93456
First come, first served.

For more information, please feel free to call the mission at (805) 614-0220.

Family members share a smile and a laugh

Grocery Assistance

The Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast also has a Food Pantry where needy families or individuals can come for groceries, clothing, and prayer.

Emergency Food Pantry

Call 805-357-1208 for assistance

Food Pantry Frequently Asked Questions