Meals and Clothing
Times and Locations:
Cornerstone Church
1026 Sierra Madre Ave., Santa Maria, CA
Tuesdays from 2-4 p.m.
Preisker Park
i. Northeast end, Santa Maria, CA
Wednesdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m
Grocery Assistance
Emergency Food Pantry
Santa Maria Foursquare Church
709 N. Curryer St. (corner of Alvin and Curryer)
Santa Maria, CA
Thursdays 5pm until supplies last
Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast
1207 N McClelland Street
Santa Maria, CA 93456
Mondays and Fridays form 8:30-9am.

Basic Clothing Necessities
Clothing is distributed to those in need in conjunction with the meals and at most of the special events. We offer basic necessity clothing including, but not limited to:
- Pants
- Shirts
- Socks
- Shoes
- Underwear
- Coats
- Blankets
Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast
1207 N McClelland Street
Santa Maria, CA 93456
First come, first served.
For more information, please feel free to call the mission at (805) 614-0220.