Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

From the Depths

Man and woman at podium

My name is Michael Alameda. I am 34 years old, and I was raised in Oxnard, California. I have three older brothers and two wonderful parents, none of whom used drugs or alcohol. Both my parents work extremely hard and taught me how to be a hard worker as well. My parents met all my physical and spiritual needs. But despite my good upbringing, I fell in with the wrong crowd and dropped out of school.

What started out 22 years ago as curiosity and weekend fun, soon spiraled out of control and turned into a monster called addiction. My addiction wouldn’t allow me to hold down a job and it caused me to do things that I said I would never do. I was hurting people, including my parents. But worst of all, I was hurting myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It became nothing but misery and hopelessness. After being in jail and institutions, the only thing left for me was death.

I found myself in jail again and feeling dead spiritually. I asked myself, “Is this my life? Will it ever change?” The judge was thinking of letting me out of jail, but decided to leave me in for a little while longer. That decision turned out to be an answer from God. I was tired of lying to myself. During this time, a strong desire to change came over me, which led to an interview for the program at Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast. I was accepted into their Life Recovery Program and since then dedicated my life to Jesus and rejected my addiction.

I believe what makes this time different in my life from my previous attempts to get clean, is that I am fully surrendered to Jesus. I was blind, but now I see. God took me in as one of his own and I am no longer a slave to sin. Today, I can be truthful with myself and those around me, and my relationship with my parents is being restored and strengthened.

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