Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Use it or Lose it

Mother and daughter smile and pose, portrait

The servant who hid his talent got it taken away and given to another. The lesson to be learned is, “use it or lose it.”

To that end, Haela and her daughter are making the most of their opportunities by serving as volunteers. She says, “I went to a Bible study where a lady is a volunteer at the mission. She invited us to serve and now we are here. God did a miracle in my life and now he is using me.”

Haela says, “I’ve always tried to involve myself and my family in reaching out to the local community. This conviction comes from the Lord. He says we are supposed to lay up our treasures in Heaven and not on earth. And if I have time, then I can put that to use for His glory, that is what I am supposed to do. We are Jesus’ hands and feet. God wants his people to be available.”

To those fearful of getting outside their comfort zone, Haela says, “Don’t be fearful. God has given you everything you need. He will give you a word of encouragement in that perfect time to give to somebody. He’s given us hands to be used, a mouth to be used, and there is nothing that is impossible for Him.”

For example, Haela, while not expecting to address an outreach one day was called upon to share a word of encouragement. Haela says, “Even though I didn’t know I was going to speak, the Lord had prepared me.” She was available and used her talent to make the most of the opportunity.

Would you consider volunteering at the mission and using your time, talent, and treasure to make the most of every opportunity? For more information, click on the Volunteer tab above.

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