Making A Difference That Matters

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Don stops running from himself and commits to lifelong change

Don’s issues with alcohol started early, in high school, but if anyone noticed, they turned a blind eye. “I grew up in Iowa in a lower- to middle-class family,” Don said. “I was baptized Episcopalian, but we went to church irregularly, on the holidays mostly. I was good in school, and when I got to…

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Tony tires of disappointing his family, himself

Tony’s parents came from Mexico before he was born, and he was born and raised in Santa Maria. “I’ve lived here my whole life,” he said. “I’m the oldest, and have three younger sisters. I had a good childhood, and had everything I wanted. My parents treated me well and were both Christians, so I…

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The Mission has ‘changed the way I see things’

It’s been a year since Fernando graduated the mission’s Life Recovery program, and looking back, he hardly recognizes the person he used to be. “This program has helped me realize that I can live a new life,” he said. “There’s something else, another kind of living. I don’t need any of that stuff (drugs) to…

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Witnessing change, recognizing rewards at the Mission

One of the joys of working at the Mission is that I can be myself around our clients. We have a comfy rec area where our clients can relax, watch TV, or play cards. I enjoy shooting the breeze with clients on the couches in this room, talking about stuff that doesn’t matter. One of…

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Harrison wants change, became ‘too comfortable on the streets’

Harrison and his biological sister were adopted by the same loving parents. They adopted his older sister, and when Harrison’s biological mother got pregnant again three years later, she reached out to the family. Harrison joined his older sister with his new parents. They worked for the phone company and cared deeply for their children.…

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Denis feels ‘more dedicated’ this time through the program

Denis, now 27, is the oldest of four. “I’ve always had my parents to support me,” he said. Dennis and his family moved around a lot in the Central Coast area, but he considers Carpinteria home. He attended school there, but was behind in elementary school and didn’t pass the seventh grade. “They sent me…

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Robert sees miracles in his family restoration

When Robert reflects on his time in the Mission’s program, and the year-and-a-half since his graduation, he speaks of restoration. “I am a big believer in recovery and amends,” he said. “It’s God’s way of showing me he’s with me and loves me, and that this is his will for my life. I’m able to…

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Jesse looks forward to promising career, family restoration

Two years ago, Jesse entered the Mission battling alcohol and anger issues. Now, he’s looking forward to a promising career as an EMT and reuniting with his wife and children. “I don’t know what God has for me,” Jesse said. “But I know he’s got it all under control. I know he’s been preparing me…

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David leaves drinking behind, starts fresh at the mission

David’s dad left his family when he was just 5, and David didn’t see him again until he was 18. They got drunk together and David never saw him again. He spent his childhood in Fresno with his mom and two sisters, eventually adding four stepsiblings to the family. “My grandparents took care of me…

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After A Relapse In The Desert, Steve Builds On His Foundation At The Mission

Steve spent 15 years on the streets in the High Desert. He slept down by the Mojave River, and dropped into the Victor Valley Rescue Mission for meals and hygiene supplies. Shortly after his 52nd birthday, Steve had a change of heart. He decided it was time to quit using and drinking, and asked for…

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Marshall Wants Out Of The ‘Deep Hole’ He’s In After Overdose

Marshall was born in Santa Barbara, but spent most of his childhood in Mississippi. When he was 16, he tried meth. “I did it one time, and then we moved back to California,” he said. “And then I just decided to further search for that because of the grip that it had on me, just…

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Jesse Is Lifting His Hands In Praise Once Again

Jesse grew up with his mom and sister near Monterey. “My dad was in my life, but my parents got divorced when I was 1,” he said. “My mom and I have a close relationship. My dad was very hard, emotionally and verbally. He has seven other kids and I was the last one. He…

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