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Sometimes Life Throws You a Curveball
My name is Justin Robertson. I am 29 years old and was raised in Nipomo, California in a Christian household. As a child, I grew up playing sports. Sports were everything to me and they were a way for me to express myself. My dream, like most kids, was to play professional baseball. After my…
Progress Times Three
Internships offer graduates an opportunity to work, study, and to serve in ministry in a hands-on way. Graduate Ernie Avila is now working at the mission’s thrift store through the Path Point Program. Graduate Will Lavigne, is now enrolled at Allan Hancock College to gain his Bachelors in Science degree with a hope to get…
Bible Stories & a New Life
For ten months Mrs. Esperanza Bravo has come to the mission’s food pantry for help, and each time she has brought three small children she babysits at home. Several months ago, volunteers Tim and Judy Spradley gave children’s Bibles to the mission guests. Esperanza requested one, telling Tim and Judy that she wanted to teach…
From the Depths
My name is Michael Alameda. I am 34 years old, and I was raised in Oxnard, California. I have three older brothers and two wonderful parents, none of whom used drugs or alcohol. Both my parents work extremely hard and taught me how to be a hard worker as well. My parents met all my…
Gods Promises are True!
My childhood was a good one. I grew up healthy with a loving father and mother. I knew deep down inside that there was a God, but in my early teens I began learning about the world and fell away from any belief that I had. When I was 12, my father moved away for…
Set Free…
My name is Rob Sullivan and I am letting Jesus change my life here at Rescue Mission Alliance Central Coast. I was an out of control meth addict – I bought, sold, and made meth for 17 years. Meth was my way of life. I felt that I needed meth to fuel my desire for…
Desperate Prayers of a Desperate Man
I was a fully functioning alcoholic. I worked a good job making a good living. I had a great place to live and on the outside, I seemed content and happy. Slowly I was destroying my life and living in a pit of depression. Several times in different places, I have seen this pattern in…
I Need to Make a U-Turn
My name is Cody Tucker and I am 23 years old. I was born and raised in Santa Maria. I was a good athlete in high school, but I began to drink and party. This caused me to lose sight of what is important in life. After high school I completed two years at Allan…
A Strange Answer to Prayer – One prayer led him to the mission
So many things have affected my life; drug dealing, being in a gang, abuse, my addiction, failed relationships, etc. It all came to an end on April 1, 2014. That night it seemed I had nothing to live for. I wasn’t being a parent. I was strung out. The police were looking for me. It’s…